Happy Hours

May 18, 2023

Bryant Park

The American Symphony Orchestra is a New York-based American orchestra, founded in 1962, dedicated to providing great music for everyone. The ASO chamber series features musician-curated programs that represent the diverse perspectives across New York City and worldwide, through explorations of the many styles and genres of American music.

Experience works by great composers on the Upper Terrace.

May 22 and 23 @ 1730. More information here.


Javier Diaz (b. 1976)
Suns and Moons of a New World

I. Preludio de la Gran Sabana (Prelude of the Great Plains)
II. Mis Muertos Cantan (All My Dead Sing)
III. Concierto Barroco (Baroque Concerto)
IV. Domingos Alvares, A Priest of Sakpatá in Eighteenth-Century Brazil
V. Sinfonía de Cámara (Chamber Symphony)


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