Whoa Canada

February 22, 2022


Raindrops kept falling on their heads this afternoon in Midtown. But that didn’t stop several dozen antivaxx mandate activists from singing and dancing in the rain outside of the Canadian Consulate at 237 Park Avenue (Lexington Avenue entrance) near East 46th Street. For this local show of support for the antivaxx mandate truckers who had blocked traffic in Ottawa until police arrested hundreds of them and broke it up this week, the protesters had prepared a list of demands:

1. We demand Ottawa stops the violence!

2. We demand Ottawa meet with the Canadian Truckers and their supporters.

3. We demand President Biden condemns Trudeau’s crimes against humanity.

4. Stop separating families at the border. End all vaccine/testing requirements to cross the northern border. End all vaccine passports. End all travel restrictions.

According to the Teachers for Choice webpage, rallies were also planned for today in Detroit and Atlanta. Michael Kane, Founder of Teachers for Choice told the Gazette that he’s already been fired from his teaching job. He wasn’t able to provide precise numbers of municipal employees fired Citywide, or still awaiting a ruling on their request for an exemption, but he said around 700 have been fired from just the Board of Ed.

Although the Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal of Kane v de Blasio, there’s a slight chance that ruling could be reversed. According to Kane, although it’s pretty unusual, such a decision by a single Justice (Sotomayor in this instance) can be overruled by four, not five, other Justices. They directed their request to Justice Gorsuch and await a ruling in early March.

As “American Pie” and other oldies blared from a portable P.A. in the rain, the activists sang along, danced, and hooted wildly whenever a passing truck honked its airhorn in solidarity with their protest.

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