No Show

August 13, 2017

A day after tiki torch toting neonazis and white nationalists descended on Charlottesville, VA for a “Unite the Right” weekend

Up Against the Wall

May 28, 2017

News reports of man’s wholesale inhumanity to man are made only slightly less horrifying by a reflexive self reassurance that it can’t happen here. Rwanda, Cambodia, Aleppo, sure. But New York? Texas? No way, right?

Intrepid Visit

May 4, 2017

President Donald Trump was in New York City today for an evening with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and several hundred guests aboard the USS Intrepid on the West Side.

Science Marches On

April 22, 2017

The #MarchforScience happened in multiple cities across the USA this afternoon. The New York City march took place under light rain showers in midtown.