February 2, 2018

Last night the Vegelos Education Center of Columbia University on Haven Ave hosted an event dubbed “The State of the District.”

Sanctuary City

January 17, 2018

A week after two City Council Members were arrested at an immigration rights rally, they came uptown and held a press event at Holyrood Church, an actual immigrant sanctuary in Washington Heights.

Cold As ICE

January 11, 2018

The day began with a confrontation between NYPD and protesters near Federal Plaza following the detention of immigration rights activist Ravi Ragbir by ICE.


May 19, 2017

Broadway theater might be classified as entertainment by economists and urban planners, but sometimes it offers something quite different.

Call to Protest

February 19, 2017

About a thousand people came out this afternoon to protest the Trump Administration’s “Muslim Ban” and demonstrate their support for tolerance and inclusion. Speakers, who included Russell Simmons and Susan Sarandon, invoked the diversity of New York City as an example of America at her best.


February 11, 2017

Recent protest activity has been causing flashbacks for some New Yorkers of a certain age. The clouds of pot smoke and incense in Washington Square Park are missing, of course. And today’s young men mostly favor sensible haircuts and trimmed beards. But the clichéd vibe of “revolution in the air” feels awfully familiar.