The Melting Pot

July 19, 2019

A ‘squad’ of NYC Congressional Reps stood before Triumph of the Human Spirit in Foley Square today under the blazing hot midday sun to talk about ICE.


July 13, 2019

Vigils were held on Friday night in hundreds of American cities from California to the New York Island.


March 11, 2019

Last Thursday CBP agents parked their official vehicle on the sidewalk in front of Castle Bridge PS 153 on Broadway and W169 St while they went into Famous Famiglia Pizzeria across the street for lunch.

Ice Age

July 27, 2018

Several hundred immigration activists gathered outside of 26 Federal Plaza Thursday evening to call attention to the deportation activities of ICE.

Family Time

July 2, 2018

This past Saturday rallies were held across America in opposition to the administration’s policy of separating asylum-seeking families at the border.

Border Babies

June 21, 2018

A Gazette Editorial

The current immigration controversy involving the separation of children and parents at the Southern border has brought back some grim memories.