Shots Fired

October 16, 2022

Around 3AM this morning, four uniformed officers in an unmarked police car observed a group of people fighting near the corner of Nagle and Dyckman, according to Chief of Patrol Jeffrey Maddrey.

Subway Shooting

April 12, 2021

Mayor Adams

To today’s incident, as of now, we have not found any live explosive devices, but the suspect in today’s attack detonated smoke bombs to cause havoc.


March 3, 2022

NYPD Crime Stoppers Program

On Monday, February 14, 2022, at approximately 6:00 AM, at West 207th Street and Broadway Subway Station.

Hot Wheel

November 13, 2021

Early this morning around 1:30 AM an arsonist lit a pile of trash near a parked car on Seaman Avenue near W207 Street.