Too Damn High

June 18, 2020

Met Council on Housing

The Rent Guideline Board voted tonight for historic low increases for rent stabilized tenants: 0% for one-year leases, for two-year leases 0% for the first year and 1% for the second year, and 0% for Single Room Occupancy and residential hotels, starting Oct. 1, 2020.

“We find any rent increase in the middle of a pandemic to be unconscionable. We are glad that the Rent Guidelines Board and the Mayor are giving tenants some relief with these historic low increases.” said Ava Farkas, Executive Director. “Having virtual hearings left many tenants unable to testify due to limited slots, a confusing system, and the digital divide that exist in our city.”

“I’m really shocked we didn’t get a rent rollback. It was already something we needed badly. If we didn’t get it this year during a pandemic, what will it take?” said Trinity Mirabito, Met Council Member and Bronx tenant.

“Where will you go when your rent goes up? Middle, working-class, and most importantly
the poor we’re all scared and know that we won’t be able to afford any kind of rent hike,
especially after this pandemic. Go on Streeteasy to look and you won’t find a studio apt
below $1600! This city has become unaffordable for all except the rich. This is the time
when the Mayor and the RGB should be working for us and not landlords. We run this city.”
says Paloma Lara, Inwood tenant and member of Met Council on Housing.



The Metropolitan Council on Housing is a tenants’ rights membership organization made up of New York City tenants who believe in our motto of “housing for people, not profit.” We formed over 59 years ago to fight for a city where everyone has access to safe, decent, affordable housing. We organize tenants to stand up not only for their individual rights, but also for changes to our housing policies. We serve the one million NYC households who are rent stabilized or regulated, particularly those who are most vulnerable to displacement – working-class and low-income New Yorkers.

For more information:

Andrea Shapiro – Director of Program and Advocacy


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