Spring Fever

March 9, 2020

You can almost feel the invisible undercurrent of novel coronavirus said to be  coursing through the city – finding an unexpected seat on the subway, seeing an occasional person sporting some type of surgical mask, the quickening pace of steadily more dire official updates. We’ve gone from it being a punchline about the popular Mexican cerveza back in January to a major factor in deciding where to vacation and whether to go to work. That last point was addressed emphatically this weekend by Federal, State and City officials: if you feel sick, have traveled to any of half a dozen countries, or been in contact with somebody who has, etc, etc DO NOT GO TO WORK. Or to school if you’re a kid. Or on an airplane if you don’t really need to do. Or on a cruise ship for any reason at all. Or basically anywhere outside the four walls of your flop house if you’re old (50+) or have any medical issues, OK Boomer? Guy on Canal tried to charge us ten bucks today for a tiny little bottle of hand sanitizer! Oh yeah, Mayor De Blasio said that a midtown hardware store was fined for price gouging. Looks like the guy manning that desk will be plenty busy this month!


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