When You’re A Jet

August 30, 2019

You’re a Jet all the way, right? A trio of them buzzed Inwood today, thundering over the ‘hood around noon and heading towards the Tappan Zee/Mario Cuomo Bridge. Half an hour later they thundered back overhead, this time pointing in the opposite direction towards Long Island. Both times the jets flew low and slow. Were they promoting the WSS remakes?


When you’re a Jet you’re a Jet all the way
From your first cigarette till your last dyin’ day
When you’re a Jet if the spit hits the fan
You got brothers around, you’re a family man

You’re never alone, you’re never disconnected
You’re home with your own when company’s expected
You’re well protected

Then you are set with a capital J
Which you’ll never forget till they cart you away
When you’re a Jet, you stay a Jet!


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