The Whole World Was Watching

August 27, 2019
Some of the olds may remember a turbulent summer half a century ago when it felt like America was gonna be torn asunder. In April 1968 a racist killer gunned down MLK in Memphis just days after President Johnson threw in the towel and quit his race for reelection. This was followed by riots in cities across the country. Then in June another killer cut down RFK right after he bagged the CA primary.
In the background the war in Vietnam raged and massive mobilizations of antiwar protesters were growing larger and more frequent. Then in August (August 26-29, 1968), with LBJ sidelined and RFK gone, the Democratic Party held its Convention in Chicago. By most accounts it was a disaster. Not only did they nominate Humphrey who lost to Nixon that Fall, but the fighting in the streets was later described as a police riot.


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