Don’t Look Away

August 24, 2019

By Amanda

So what’s with the depressing pictures? Welcome, yeah, it’s a thing. I’m painting a new quote from a person detained at the border each day until this nightmare ends. Come join me. What can you do if you agree this sucks? (From easiest to hardest):

1. Follow me and share them. None of this matters if it doesn’t help people get informed and stay focused. The more places this shows up on the internet the better. They’re counting on us losing focus. Don’t lose focus.

2. Call the white house, your reps, write to them, drive them crazy so it’s clear that we have not forgotten, and they won’t be excused for their inaction. People are literally dying because this administration refuses to accept legal asylum seekers and release them to family.

3. Do art with me. The quotes come from declarations from people detained, and they can all be found here ( Choose one, add a picture/drawing/selfie/sticky note and share it.
Whatever you do, it’s most important that you do something EVERY DAY. Don’t lose sight of this. They are counting on getting away with it because it falls out of our focus. It’s our responsibility for that not to happen.
Day 8: “I want to leave this place with my sisters as quickly as possible. Children should not be here.” -12 year old from Ecuador held in Clint, TX


Day 7: The conditions within which they are held could be compared to torture facilities.” -Dolly Lucio Sevier, MD, pediatrician who treated children held at Ursula Border Processing Center in McAllen, TX #DontLookAway #ClosetheCamps #NeverAgainIsNow #HistoryHasItsEyesOnYou

You can check out more of Amanda’s art here and support her work here.

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