The Melting Pot

July 19, 2019

A ‘squad’ of NYC Congressional Reps stood before Triumph of the Human Spirit in Foley Square today under the blazing hot midday sun to talk about ICE. Specifically, that although the deportation force has set its sights on New York City, this delegation intends to stand up for the rights of immigrants.

The roster included U.S. Reps Yvette Clarke, Nydia Velázquez, Adriano Espaillat, Gregory Meeks, Hakim Jeffries, Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, and NY Attorney General Tish James.

They took turns at a US House of Representatives branded wooden podium brought in for the news conference, each one speaking briefly in support of immigrant rights before fielding questions from the dozen or so journalists in attendance.

Nydia Velázquez: “I’m proud of my neighbors taking care of our neighbors.”

Gregory Meeks contrasted nationalism and patriotism. Wants to make sure immigrants know their rights and are protected.

Adriano Espaillat: “ICE raids every day. This is not new”

“If they knock and can’t show a warrant signed by a judge, you don’t have to open the door.”

“If arrested you have the right to a lawyer. Stay silent.”

Hakim Jeffries: “Trump is a master of deception.”

“We ARE a nation of immigrants.”

Tish James: “We value our immigrants. The vast majority are *not* violent criminals. They’re *fleeing* violence.”

Jumaane Williams: On the current occupant of the White House: “It’s clear who he is and what he wants to do: spread chaos.”

“They want you to believe [immigrants] have no rights.”

“Those of us with more privilege will stand up for them.”




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