
July 13, 2019

Vigils were held on Friday night in hundreds of American cities from California to the New York Island. They were prompted in part by the litany of almost daily revelations in the news of abuse and maltreatment of refugees and immigrants by government employees.

Recently, for example, it was learned that a ‘secret’ CBP Facebook group was rife with dehumanizing posts authored by CBP staff and frequently directed at the refugee population they encounter daily at work. Ten days ago the Gazette linked to a report by the Inspector General of DHS describing the dangerous and overcrowded conditions in which refugees are confined.

OIG-19-51 - Management Alert - DHS Needs to Address Dangerous Overcrowding and Prolonged Detention of Children and Adults in the Rio Grande Valley - Google Chrome 7132019 025907

Earlier this month, the Atlantic reported that a pediatrician observed evidence of infection, malnutrition, and psychological trauma at a facility in Texas. And just a few weeks ago a powerful photo of a man and child that drowned in the Rio Grande was seen here and around the world.




The NYC vigil took place in Foley Square and drew an estimated 1,500 people. A small stage was set up at the south end of the space, and a series of speakers and performers took turns on it from about 6 to 9PM. The vigil was held mostly in daylight though by 8PM the candles people had brought began to flicker in a gentle breeze.




Several Labor groups were in attendance including UAW, NYSNA, and 37BJ SEIU which  just lost its President, Hector Figueroa, on Thursday. Additionally, an ad hoc group of a dozen pediatricians in white lab coats addressed the vigil. The Resistance Revival Chorus sang a well received a capella set. Chorus member Meah Pace told the Gazette the group founded two years ago by Women’s March organizers.




MPower Change, a Muslim led organizing group, Executive Director Linda Sarsour told the Gazette that people wanting to do more than the vigil can donate to RAICES Texas and also make this their defining issue for 2020. From the stage she later declared, “I don’t care who you like or don’t like. This (the 2020 election) is a race about fascism.”

Immigration activist Ravi Ragbir encouraged people to link up, citizens and immigrants, and exchange contact information to update and protect one another. He provided the Gazette with a pocket sized card entitled “How to be a Buddy.”

Also sighted at the vigil were U.S. Rep Jerold Nadler and comedian Rosie O’Donnell.


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