Like a 3 Year Old

March 20, 2018

No, not him. Us. It’s been three years since the Gazette staked its claim to this little corner of the internet. On March 20, 2016 we published our very first post: Trumplandia. At that point a certain brash New York City landlord still seemed like a longshot even to win the GOP nomination much less the general election. But his fellow New Yorkers were already taking it to the streets and the Gazette launched with a brief write up about their protest march in midtown.

While we didn’t know exactly where this thing was headed when we set out, a review of the first three years shows that the Gazette has remained mostly fixated on art, fashion, and politics in and around our uptown base of ops, with occasional outings to places as far flung as Moundsville, WV, Beaumont, TX, and even Brooklyn (once).

We’re celebrating our survival thus far with a little something for our readers: a shorter url. You won’t have to type the whole ‘wordpress blah blah’ address anymore. Just type and walla, you’ll be whisked directly here, no muss, no fuss.

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