OTR: Louisville’s Sluggers

June 12, 2018

This is an installment in the Gazette’s summer series “On The Road.”

Louisville paid tribute to hometown (and world) hero Muhammad Ali last week with the second annual “I Am Ali” Festival. Film, art, yoga, and of course boxing were featured offerings. And on Saturday night the gym at the former Male High School on South Brook Street was the destination of choice for boxing fans.


One such fan spoke with the Gazette:

IG: Did you ever meet Ali?

JE: Meet him? Yeah, I met him.

IG: Do you have a story for us?


With that, Jerry Ellis introduced himself. He’s the younger brother of the late WBA Heavyweight Champ Jimmy Ellis. Jerry can recall the days when Ali was doing local $6 shows across town, before he even went to the Olympics. Jimmy was also Ali’s sparring partner for years so “Little Ellis,” as Jerry is known, grew close to Ali and his family. He showed the Gazette a picture of Jimmy and Ali in the ring, and another one of the pallbearers at the service carrying Ali to rest. Mike Tyson, Will Smith, and Little Ellis were among a select group of people to share that honor.

Nicholas Bareis comes from a background in track, but he loves boxing. He organized the evening’s event and was drenched with sweat from running around the hot gym keeping the show moving smoothly. There were 20 bouts, ranging from junior flyweight  youngsters to adult heavyweights. Nicholas coaches a few of the younger ones and hopes that the discipline of boxing will keep them moving smoothly through life as well.


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