Happy Birthday MLK!

January 15, 2018

Hundreds turned out for the #rallyagainstracism in Times Square this afternoon. Many were members of rally sponsor The National Health Care Workers’ Union Local 1199, reportedly once dubbed “my favorite union” by none other than Dr. Martin Luther King himself.

Today’s gathering paid homage to the American Civil Rights martyr and pushed back hard against the President’s reported “shithole” description of Haiti and the countries of Africa. Many a Haitian flag waved alongside America’s own star spangled banner, and the French, Creole, and English languages likewise mingled in the crowd.

Imam Abdoullah Bajaha, President of The Council of African Imams stated in a news release that “African immigrants are known to be hard working, law-abiding people who strive to provide for their families while contributing to the country which has kindly welcomed them. They deserve no less respect than anybody else.”


“We have to push the arc of justice now.” Hazel W.


“What are you doing for others?” Jay B. and Cele C.


“Pour lamoue.” Marc J.


“I thank you MLK for sacrificing for us.” G.P.D.


“Stand against the apartheid plan on the way.” Mario Saint-Laurent


“The struggle continues…” Mickael Artist




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