September 28, 2024


The 79th annual U.N. General Assembly diplomatic get-together on Midtown’s East Side is underway this week. The high level meet up drew leaders from around the World who came to work on some of the most pressing issues which include climate change, poverty and inequality, while also tackling the impacts of ongoing conflicts and global health crises.

According to a news release issued by the UN on the Summit for the Future,

“World leaders adopted a Pact for the Future that includes a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations. This Pact is the culmination of a years-long process to adapt international cooperation to the realities of today and the challenges of tomorrow. The hard work of implementation begins immediately.

“The adoption of the Pact demonstrates that countries are committed to an international system with the United Nations at its center. Leaders set out a clear vision of a multilateralism that can deliver on its promises, is more representative of today’s world and draws on the engagement and expertise of governments, civil society and other key partners.”

Screen Cap.

President Biden addressed the Assembly earlier this week and on Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu offered a rationale for his nation’s war on Gaza and Hezbollah after being met with a chorus of boos and a protest walkout by many delegations. Outside the UN headquarters, security was tight and nearby streets were closed to vehicles and some even to pedestrians. The result was that, aside from the aforementioned leaders, most of the delegates had to walk across E 46th Street to reach the iconic UN HQ on 1st Avenue. From the looks of it, diplomacy continued on the grounds outside the building and on nearby street corners where attendees were seen in conversation.

Asked if he’d seen any of the big names, e.g. Biden or Netanyahu, a Secret Service agent told the Gazette, “Just their cars,” meaning that not everyone had to walk from 2nd Avenue to get to the building. Some VIPs were dropped off at the entrance. Around 140 national leaders came to UNGA 79 this week.

Official vehicle on 2nd Avenue.

What follows are some sights from the gathering on Friday afternoon as the Security Council met to discuss “the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

Program notes.

Activists at East 42 and 2nd Avenue.

West African Queen Mothers Maggie (L) and Makhadzi (R).

Tight security at the UN.

Out and about at the UNGA.

The theme for the general debate of the 79th session of the General Assembly is “Leaving no one behind: acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations”.

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