If It Costs You Your Peace…

January 8, 2023

Tiana Suber

I don’t typically make New Year Resolutions but this year I really wanted to make an important one…to stop being so damn irritated.

I sat down a couple days before New Year’s Eve and realized that I am horribly irritated…all day everyday.

I believe my constant irritation began in 2020. In 2020 I realized that people aren’t that smart, people don’t like to be told no, people couldn’t learn to do without, and people didn’t care about other people. I use to yell at the tv because I couldn’t believe that people could not and would not follow simple directions.

Then as things began to open back up I was irritated about how little people learned from 2020. It was like the world only pressed paused for a year and half just to continue to go on their daily bs when they thought the coast was clear.

My irritation had gotten so bad that the slightest wrong, directed at me or someone else, would mess up my day…or week…or month. Why can’t people just be better? Haven’t they learned anything from 2020! Life is too short for this foolishness.

I can’t…I just can’t. It has slowed my progress, my concentration, my focus, my dreams, and disrupted my peace. So my resolution is to be less irritated.

Here is my strategy to keep my peace and sanity.

Accepting the things I cannot control. If you want to be ridiculous, stupid, inconsiderate, nonchalant, stuck in the same place doing the same thing, never learning, never evolving…then continue to be that way. It has nothing to do with me anymore. In the words of Katt Williams, “I don’t give a fuck about what you’re doing in your life because I’m too busy doing what the fuck I’m doing in my life.” A word, can I get an Amen?

I’m not the same person I use to be. The things that use to encourage me. The things I use to hold onto for peace of mind. The people I use to let in my life. I have grown and I have evolved. I don’t need to rely on my old self to make it through because I’m not that person anymore. I have forgiven my shortcomings and my mistakes. The things I did to survive. I am now on a higher level. I can only go higher from here.

Minding My Business

The level of Minding My Business will be on a New York level. New Yorkers mind their business. No matter what crazy is on the street, no matter who is shooting a movie, No matter if two crack heads are battling it out Mortal Kombat style on the subway platform…New Yorkers mind their business.

I am going to be on that level. People can come to me and ask me my opinion and I’ll give it if I need to. But I ain’t checking in on you to see if you did it. Matter of fact I’m just going to plant the seed, it’s up to you to water it. I have to reach my goals too. I’m not waiting.

Last but not least, I will continue to do my part. If no one else is doing their part I will do mine. I will vote, March, rally, support, and encourage. I now know the power I carry. The light that brightens up a room. The comforting energy I give off. I know I will always help someone along the way of my own journey.

I know sometimes it never feels like you’re doing enough. But even if you change one person’s life, it will still make a huge difference.

2023 Motto:

If it costs you your peace then it’s too expensive.

Tiana Suber

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