Stand With Ukraine

March 19, 2022

The Ukrainian Institute of America

The Ukrainian Institute of America was founded in 1948 by William Dzus, a Ukrainian immigrant who became a successful businessman in the United States.  His goal in founding the Ukrainian Institute was to acquaint America with the rich cultural heritage of his ancestral homeland, and his dream was that someday an independent Ukraine might enjoy the opportunities and freedoms he cherished here in America.  During his lifetime, Soviet tyranny made this dream seem impossible, but over the last 30 years, Ukraine regained its independence and developed into a democratic country, working toward belonging to the Western world.  As Americans of Ukrainian descent, we applauded Ukraine’s progress and were proud to further our founder’s vision by serving as cultural liaisons between Ukraine and America.

Now the dream of our founder, and that of all Ukrainians, is cruelly threatened by a ruthless dictator.  Against all evidence, he denies that Ukraine has a separate language, culture and identity, and even denies Ukraine’s very right to exist. The people of Ukraine, who first adopted a democratic Constitution in 1710, vehemently disagree. They have repeatedly made their choice clear and no one has the right to take that choice away from them. The Ukrainian Institute and its members join with other New Yorkers, other Americans and the free peoples of the world in condemning the brutal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.  We support the people of Ukraine in their right to live in peace and freedom and to fight for democracy.  When one democracy is challenged, all democracies are at risk. Now is the time to #StandWithUkraine.

Слава Україні! God Bless America! Все буде Україна!

What can you do?

  • Take part in a community rally to protest Putin’s actions against Ukraine. List of rallies.
  • Contact your state and local representatives and let them know you support the strongest measures possible to constrain Ukraine’s aggressors. Find your congressional representatives with this link.
  • Donate to an organization with an established track record of assistance.

Where can you give?

  • UNICEF supports children and families caught in the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
  • CARE is rushing urgently needed water, food, hygiene kits, and ongoing support, prioritizing women and girls, families and the elderly, in their Ukraine crisis fund.





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