
November 3, 2020

Election 2020 update. The Gazette popped by an Inwood voting location shortly before the scheduled 9PM deadline tonight. Around a dozen people were inside voting and there was no line outside. Poll workers reported that lines were light all day long with wait times from “seconds to minutes.”

Reportedly the only time voters had to wait was at the opening this morning when a line of mostly Senior Citizens stretched around the block to Vermilyea Avenue. The District’s Assembly Member Carmen De La Rosa was spotted across the street, talking on her phone as the 9 o’clock deadline drew near.

As of 10PM, TV coverage was describing a tight race between President Trump and challenger Joe Biden. Most states were either still too early to call or no surprise. Because of pandemic related disruptions in historical voting patterns, including a lot more early and mail ballots, every TV pundit not in the direct employ of a campaign took pains to qualify all observations with “if this holds up,” “so far,” “as of now,” etc. It was over *as of now* 4 years ago.

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