Uptown Cancel Rent March

August 23, 2020

Met Council on Housing

We are over five months into the COVID-19 crisis. The economic crisis accompanying COVID-19 continues to devastate our communities. Washington and Albany have resorted to piecemeal solutions or inaction rather than pursuing real solutions to these problems. We will see a wave of evictions like never before if we do not pass comprehensive legislation addressing the root of these crises. Politicians such as Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Speaker Carl Heastie can make sure that this wave of evictions does not happen. We need them to step up and use their power to make sure New Yorkers can remain in their homes. This is why we are calling on them to pass the following legislation: 1. Cancel Rent 2. Truly Extend the Eviction Moratorium 3. Housing Access Voucher Program.

Inwood and Washington Heights are taking to the street to demand Cancel Rent and House the Homeless!

Uptown Cancel Rent March
Sunday Aug 23rd 1pm
Meet Met Council Broadway and Dyckman

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