Silly Season

August 15, 2020

According to Urban Dictionary, Silly Season is “a term for the period in the year where the media/press (particularly newspapers, tabloids) do not have enough articles to fill the paper/schedule, and so resort to unverifiable, trivial, irrelevant, stupid or hoax stories.”

We haven’t any good hoax stories to share, but we’ll confess that it’s been pretty slim pickings this month news-wise following the dismal Spring of horrifying developments that COVID-19 brought us. The City’s a little bit back to normal, if you consider wearing face covers and avoiding public transportation normal. The talk is all about schools reopening and then having to immediately shut back down to quarantine, the Post Office being kneecapped ahead of an election that promises to be more mail dependent than ever due to the virus, and the hint of an emerging Coronavirus hotspot in Sunset Park, BK.

Here at the Gazette we wondered how we made it through prior Silly Seasons now that we’ve been around for a few years. The problem was that scrolling backwards through hundreds of posts to get to, say, August 2019 or 2018, was a royal pain. Luckily for us, and maybe for our readers, WordPress has an archive widget to zip us back in time with the click of a mouse.

Take a look down toward the bottom of this, or any, page of the Gazette. Off to the right you’ll see a box marked “Archives.” When you click in it a drop down (or sometimes up) menu appears. Thus you can quickly and easily jump back in time a year, two years, or what have you.

That’s it. That’s the post. If this year’s Silly Season leaves you thirsting for more, now all you have to do is pop into the archives and jet back in time to a bunch more of them. Enjoy!

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