Travel Advisory

December 16, 2023

Notify NYC

Notification issued 12-16-2023 at 13:10.

The NYC Emergency Management Department has issued a travel advisory for 12/17 and 12/18. New Yorkers are advised to prepare for heavy rain, damaging winds, and coastal flooding. The National Weather Service is monitoring a major coastal storm that will bring moderate to heavy rain, strong to damaging wind gusts, and coastal flooding to the area Sunday into Monday. The window of greatest potential impact will be late Sunday night to mid-morning Monday. Heavy rainfall totaling 2 to 3 inches may produce widespread minor flooding of roadways and properties. Localized flash flooding cannot be ruled out. Winds gusts of up to 60 mph may cause power outages and damage unsecure items. Widespread moderate coastal flooding with water levels of up to 2.5 feet may inundate roadways and properties. Locally major coastal flooding will be possible for Jamaica Bay. Heavy rainfall coinciding with the tide could exacerbate flood conditions. Peak tide times on Monday will be between 12 and 1 AM and again between 12 and 1 PM. The highest water levels are expected during the second high tide, with the greatest level of inundation expected along the shoreline. Periods of heavy rain may cause flooding in the city, including highways, streets, basements, and underpasses. During periods of heavy rain, seek higher ground or, if in a basement, move to a higher floor. City agencies have taken action to clean catch basins and remove street litter in the event.

12/16/2023 12:03:55

Notify NYC – Rain Preparedness: Clear Catch Basins (CW)

Notification issued 12-16-2023 at 12:03 PM.

Periods of heavy rain are expected across NYC Sunday evening to Monday Morning. Help prevent street flooding by clearing leaves and debris from catch basins near your home. If you’re cleaning catch basin grates, be sure to wear gloves & watch out for traffic. You can also report a clogged catch basin by calling 311 or submitting online at

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