Blue Wall of Sorrow

January 24, 2022


A shooting in Harlem last Friday left Police Officers Jason Rivera, a 22 year old rookie who grew up in Inwood, dead and his partner Wilbert Mora, 27, in critical condition. The shooter died today. Yesterday, Rivera’s remains were transported uptown from the M.E. Office to the Riverdale Funeral Home up here. Hundreds of Rivera’s police, fire and EMS colleagues lined both sides of Broadway in a silent tribute stretching from 218th Street nearly down to Isham. NYPD and news copters circled noisily overhead, in contrast to the uncanny midday quiet down below. A funeral Mass for Rivera will be held later this week followed by burial on Friday.

The perp’s weapon.

While in the Police Academy Rivera wrote this letter explaining why he became a police officer:

Some candles and flowers were in front of 228 Nagle yesterday as well as an idling NYPD patrol vehicle. One of the Officers sitting in it confirmed that Rivera had lived there. The building is located under the el, next to the Family Dollar and across the street from Dyckman Houses.

Patrick Lynch, President of PBA, issued the following statement:

“Our hearts are broken. We’re in shock. Our knees are buckling. And we’re angry, because we’ve been here before; we’re angry because we saw it coming; we’re angry because we said it would happen, and it happened again.”

PBA President Lynch leaving Riverdale Funeral Home on Sunday.

He called on the public to show support for the police by attending Jason’s funeral service at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. “We need help.”


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