Jimmy Nolan

January 16, 2022

James “Jimmy” Nolan, an Inwood Little League fixture for more than 50 years, was laid to rest yesterday in Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Westchester County.

As per Legacy.com, memorial donations may be made to:

Inwood-Manhattan Little League, Good Shepherd Men’s Club, St. Joseph’s Council #443 of the Knights of Columbus or Good Shepherd Parish.

Inwood Little League issued the following statement on the occasion of Jimmy’s passing:

“It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Jimmy Nolan last week. Jimmy coached and mentored many kids in his 50 plus years with the league. He also served as President and Treasurer for many years. The impact that Jimmy had on the community was monumental – from his decades with the Inwood Little League, Knights of Columbus and our own Good Shepherd Men’s Club. He will be sorely missed by these institutions, his family and friends.

“May perpetual light shine upon him. Rest In Peace Brother Jimmy Nolan.”

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