Artist Spotlight: Michael Manese

October 23, 2021

One of our favorite movies from the third annual Inwood Film Festival back in 2018* was Michael Manese‘s The Pleasure of Being Served.” Listen to Michael discussing his filmmaking with Aaron Simms, the Executive Producer of Inwood Art Works, in the On Air Artist Spotlight video below.

Screencap from On Air Artist Spotlight interview.

He is currently in production for his latest project, “Asian PersuAsian” – which is a recipient of Inwood Art Works Inwood Film Festival Filmmaker Fund.

And keep up with Michael’s work at

2 minute “The Pleasure of Being Served” official trailer from Angry Doug Films on Vimeo.

*Michael spoke with the Gazette at the IFF3 in March 2018:

IG: It’s such a lovely movie! I loved that shot in the subway, she’s so tired she fell asleep on the other passenger’s shoulder. It really conveyed how hard she works, and in a beautiful, subtle way. And many other scenes as well… sending money & little gifts home, the sneaker showdown. So how’d you come to tell this wonderful story?

MM: Well actually, the story was the last part. I know a little Tagalog and i wanted to use subtitles. And I wanted to do the film mostly in one location, in that apartment. Then I had some props I wanted to include. The furry handcuffs, romance novels. So I came up with a story that fit all that.
IG: Are you staying for the next program?


MM: No, I’m off to meet some friends. We’re going to the Quad to watch Serpico!


IG: Awesome, thanks!


Title photo: A frame from Michael Manese‘s film, “The Pleasure of Being Served.”



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