Pumpkin Point

October 22, 2021

Gov­er­nors Island

Announc­ing the return of Pump­kin Point, Gov­er­nors Island’s annu­al fam­i­ly friend­ly pump­kin patch!

Dur­ing the last two week­ends of Octo­ber, Pump­kin Point will bring thou­sands of pump­kins to Gov­er­nors Island, trans­form­ing his­toric Nolan Park into a fall won­der­land. Vis­i­tors are invit­ed to stroll through the expan­sive pump­kin patch and pick out a pump­kin to take home in exchange for a small sug­gest­ed dona­tion. Pro­gram­ming will include free, Hal­loween and autumn-inspired arts and crafts, activ­i­ties and more. A selec­tion of Gov­er­nors Island ven­dors⁠ — includ­ing Lit­tle Eva’s, Threes Brew­ing and Joe Cof­fee⁠ — will offer sea­son­al­ly-inspired food and bev­er­ages on-site, includ­ing autumn brews.

Octo­ber 23 – 24 & 30 – 31, 10am-6pm.

Click here to book fer­ry tickets. 

Pump­kin Point is gen­er­ous­ly sup­port­ed by Bloomberg Philanthropies.

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