Pride of New York City (NSFW)

June 28, 2021

Sunday saw the triumphant return of the NYC Pride Parade after a year-long hiatus owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year’s edition was a lot different from the last one held here two years ago. To the delight of some and disappointment of others, the 2019 celebration was a Who’s Who of the Fortune 500. From Apple to Xerox, one corporate float after another rolled down Fifth and across the Village.

It showed corporate support and solidarity according to some of the people the Gazette spoke with that year, and it was thus greatly appreciated. On the other hand, some grumbled about the occasion being co-opted by corporate giants primarily to showcase their brands. Regardless, this year’s was was different. There wasn’t a miles long parade like we’re used to seeing, with crowds lining the route, and what we did have was mainly virtual.

But after a year of watching every last thing on YouTube and Netflix, not to mention remote Zoomeetings for work, people seemed to feel a need to connect in person once again. And that’s just what they did. The Gazette headed dt to the Village Sunday afternoon and joined a crowd of people flowing into Washington Square Park. This traditional communal  hangout was filled more or less to capacity when we got there. People were spread out on the grass, every bench and chess table was occupied, and all of the pathways were full of folks milling around. On this hot, beautiful Summer day, the Park’s fountain was filled with shiny happy people playing around and dancing in the spray.

It was like Spring Break but without the drunks and fights. Everyone looked fabulous and seemed like they were having a blast. Here and there musicians jammed, groups of people danced, and artists made art. Rainbow flags were everywhere. There was a lot to take in!

Yaneris and friends came down from the Bronx and had this to say about the day, “we love our Gays!! Happy Pride.”

Here are some more moments from NYC Pride 2021:


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