Crime Scene

March 10, 2021

Yellow crime scene tape was out again this morning on Seaman Avenue. This time it followed a possible homicide in building number 165, near Isham Street. Just over a month ago there was a shooting in front of the building right next door.

According to media sources, police responded to the building around 2:30am Wednesday morning. An elderly man was found in his apartment apparently stabbed. EMS pronounced him DOA. A woman reportedly tried to leave the premises via fire escape and was taken into police custody for questioning. The crime scene tape marked off a section of sidewalk from building number 165 to the corner of Isham Street.

Residents of the building told the Gazette that if she was who they thought she was, they were not surprised. The female, if it was her, had been ‘banned from the building’ according to a neighbor. Another said he’d observed her in the past screaming in the lobby and removed by police in handcuffs . One neighbor reported that the woman had supposedly lit a doormat on fire once and that’s why she was banned. A different neighbor said she knew the victim but not very well, and said it was very, very sad. Police and fire were out front around 3:30am according to a witness. Two residents referred to the deceased as ‘Jerry.’

A male resident of 165 said police were there yesterday around suppertime, but he didn’t know if it was related. A Medical Examiner Office vehicle was parked in front of 165 along with two RMPs for most of the day. A resident told the Gazette a body bag was removed around 3:30pm this afternoon, presumably with the victim in it.

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