Eyes Wide Shut

January 20, 2021

Tiana Suber

These past four years has aged us horribly. Forget COVID hair and beards. We had four long years of head shaking, eye rolling, hair graying, frustrated screaming, and constant nightmares of 45. We’ve been through hell and back with Trump.

The best back handed compliment that I could give Trump is that he woke people the fuck up. The majority of people were complacent. People believed that we lived in a post racial society because of Obama. People believed that their civil liberties were safe and untouchable. People believed that white supremacy went away. Then Trump came and scared the hell out us.

Women’s rights were about to be revoked. The Latino/Latina community were locked up in cages. Gay rights were being challenged. Our right to vote was about to be wiped out. The Muslim community was being shut out. The whole world saw a man being murdered by a police officer for 8 full minutes. Racists were more emboldened and tried to bring back the days of Jim Crow. Our social media data was being sold to the highest bidder. Our healthcare was being dismantled. Our democracy was being meddled with by a foreign government. Our government agencies were being torn apart. Mother Nature was pissed and science was being denied. A virus put the world on pause. Hell, we were even about to go into a war at one point in time.

Trump’s horribleness woke us all up. Not that any of this is new (except for COVID) but we had to wake all the way the hell up. Those who were complacent before had to finally get up and fight to say enough is enough. We are tired. Did it really take an insane person to wake y’all up? Did it take an unstable person to help you see what has been going on around us since forever?

Don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t wish Trump on no one. I’m not giving him any credit for helping with progress or change in this country because he really tried to send us backward and not forward. I’m not taking anything away from those who have been in the fight since day one before Trump even thought about running for president. I just think that his insanity caused MOST of us, not just the oppressed, to finally be weary of a 243 year old system that never made America great …ever. A system that had embolden domestic terrorists to storm a federal building and try to bully our democracy into bending to their will. Are y’all awake now? How much more will it take for you to wake up?

Photo: Trump Tower, NYC, August 13, 2017


Tiana Suber


Outburst Productions


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