
January 7, 2021

Tiana Suber

I find it hard to consider the speeches of some of these congressmen and senators and the media today because they helped to build Donald Trump. Now it’s a stain against Democracy?

I can go back to more than 400 years when they landed on the shores of America and claimed a land they did not own. When they wrote a constitution that didn’t include all Americans. When they killed an affluent black community in Wilmington, NC to end a bi-racial government in 1898. Or when the media echoed their discrimination by calling us thugs and savages and chinks and wetbacks. When a congressman yelled “You lie!” at our first African American president during an address. Or when he challenged his birth certificate. Then look the other way when the son of a terrorist organization who paid little to no taxes for decades comes along and you move the barriers aside to let him in. A person whose base was shown in plain sight during his campaign “rallies” in 2016.

I don’t need to list others because the same things happened over and over again in history with the same terrorists doing whatever the hell they wanted when they wanted to do it. But you’re surprised and shocked when it finally showed up to your front door.

I hope for a working bipartisanship in our government but after 400 years of it not working you’ll have to excuse me if I don’t get fiery about your speeches today.

Tiana Suber


Outburst Productions 

Photo: Mob posing by the ruins of The Daily Record, Wilmington, North Carolina, November 10, 1898.

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