College Rivals

December 14, 2020

In the quadrennial Electoral College matchup between teams Blue and Red, Blue outscored their rival 306 to 232, the exact same score as last time only with the winners and losers reversed today. The November 3rd contest went into extended overtime and was further delayed by the endless demands for replays, penalties and reviews by team Red, none of which affected the outcome in the least. All that remains is for regional representatives to enter the result on the official scorecard on January 6 at the Capitol in D.C., traditionally just a formality.

If the Red team could have kept it up longer they surely would have, but the calendar was inflexible: today was the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December. Seriously. It was also the first day the COVID-19 vaccine became available here, primarily to our front line medical personnel. Further, it was the day on which we passed yet another grim milestone: 300,000 American lives lost to the pandemic. And the Attorney General resigned today too.

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