
November 3, 2020

Polling places are open 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM.

Make sure you are at the correct polling site and Election District (E.D.) for your address.

You can also call 1-866-VOTE-NYC (1-866-868-3692) or e-mail your complete home address to and we’ll e-mail your polling place location back to you. Please write the name of your borough in the subject line.

What to Expect

To vote, go to the polling place indicated on your voter registration card. Election officials will look up your address to ensure you are at the right location.

1. Get Your Paper Ballot

Sign in and get your paper ballot from the poll worker. A privacy sleeve will be provided to shield your ballot from view after you have marked it. Go to the privacy booth.

2. Mark Your Paper Ballot

Fill in the ovals below the names of the candidates/proposals of your choice with the pen provided.

  • Do not use an “X” or a “?”
  • Do not circle the oval or make stray marks on the ballot
  • For a write-in candidate, fill in the appropriate oval and write in the candidate’s name.
  • Ballot marking devices (BMDs) are available for voters who need assistance.
  • You may request a new ballot at any time prior to inserting it into the scanner (up to 3 ballots total).

3. Scan Your Paper Ballot

Take your ballot to the scanner area.

  • Select the language of your choice by touching the corresponding button on the screen.
  • Insert your marked ballot into the scanner to cast your vote.
    • Do not fold your ballot before inserting it into the scanner.
    • The scanner accepts ballots in any direction and reads both sides of the ballot.
  • The scanner will notify you that your vote has been cast successfully.

If you mark more choices than you are supposed to, the scanner will notify you of an overvote. It will give you the option to cast your ballot “as is” or return your ballot.

  • If you cast your ballot “as is” your vote in that contest will not be counted.
  • If you choose to have your ballot returned to you, see a poll worker to receive a new ballot.

Need Help?

Bi-partisan teams of poll workers are available to provide assistance.

Interpreters are also available when required for Spanish, Chinese-Mandarin, Chinese-Cantonese, Korean and Bengali.

The BMD provides two ways for voters to access the ballot:

  • See the ballot on the screen
  • Listen to the ballot through audio headphones
    • Touch screen
    • Key paid (Braille)
    • Sip & Puff Device
    • Rocker Paddle

After completing your ballot, review your selection. To change a selection, select contest or issues you would like to change and reselect the proper choice. Select “Next” to return to the summary screen.

When finished select “Next” select “Mark Ballot” to print your mark ballot.

Take your printed ballot to the scanner area.

Source: Board of Elections

Photos: Times Square 12/17/19

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