SOS Beirut

August 18, 2020

As we continue coordinating with the White House and the Department of State for US Government assistance to Lebanon on a large scale, the Embassy of Lebanon has also been receiving many inquiries from individuals and organizations who wish to help in the aftermath of the Beirut port explosion. As the Embassy is not equipped to handle individual contributions and assistance, we encourage you to consider offering assistance for humanitarian emergency relief through one of the following channels:

1.) The Lebanese Red Cross, which is the main provider of ambulance services in Lebanon:

2.) USAID’s Center for International Disaster Information, which maintains a list of several vetted and qualified organizations that USAID has partnered with for Lebanon’s humanitarian relief efforts:

These channels are primarily intended for immediate emergency relief as opposed to reconstruction assistance, which will come at a later stage. We will inform the community of those channels as they begin to take shape and priority.

We are incredibly grateful for the outpouring of support as we continue to recover from this awful tragedy.

Kamal Yakteen

Office of the Head of Mission

Embassy of the Republic of Lebanon

(202) 939-6300

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