
July 30, 2020

Inwood Legal Action

Last night on Wednesday July 29, the members of Inwood Legal Action* voted unanimously to file a motion on behalf of Northern Manhattan Is Not For Sale and other petitioners to the New York Court of Appeals (New York State’s highest court), requesting permission to appeal the July 23, 2020 decision of the New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department. In this decision the five-judge appeals panel reversed Justice Verna Saunders’ historic December 19, 2019 decision that annulled the 2018 Inwood rezoning.

Inwood Legal Action Co-Chair Cheryl Pahaham stated:

“The Inwood rezoning will displace Dominican, Black, Asian, and other Latino residents and small business owners, and we believe the City should have examined the racial impact of the Inwood rezoning, though it refused. We believe federal fair housing law requires the City to do so, despite its refusal. 

“We will continue to fight in court until we exhaust all avenues to force Mayor de Blasio to hear the people who live and work in Inwood, and to be true to his commitment to racial equality.”

(*a constituent organization of the Northern Manhattan Is Not For Sale/Alto Manhattan No Se Vende coalition)

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