Get It While You Can

June 24, 2020

Hair salons and restaurants are awakening this week from a months’ long hibernation brought on by a hellish novel coronavirus that took the lives of almost 20,000 of our NYC friends and neighbors. Scruffy New Yorkers can get a trim at the barbershop again, like in the old days B.C. (Before Covid-19). But all is not well. The scourge has moved on but not disappeared. States that may have wondered what the heck was wrong with us to get hit so hard back in April are now finding out the hard way as their ICUs fill to capacity.


Back here in NYC, playgrounds reopened this week and beaches will open for swimming July 1. Uptown eateries were in various stages of reopening for chow al fresco this afternoon. A few tables in front of Tubby Hook were already occupied while across the street some available ones at Yummy Thai beckoned to fans of their lunch specials.


Carol was setting out tables at Amores on the former site of Carrot Top. Like almost every other business up here, the pandemic shutdown dealt them a heavy blow. They had just opened in January only to shut down in March. Ouch.


Tables were arrayed alongside several large potted trees at Grandpa’s Pizza as was a blackboard menu.


At Peluka’s Beauty Lounge & Spa across from 5030 Broadway, Oni was enjoying some sunshine and fresh air when the Gazette popped by to say, “hi.” They’re open.


Across the street, Brown Sugar appeared to be red to go although we didn’t see anyone there when we passed by.


Cafe Tabaco & Ron under the El is a work in progress. They’re building enclosed areas on both sides, on 10th Avenue and on the 214 Street side too.


Just up the block at Sahara Cafe, Luis and friends were ready for their first customers as they chilled out in the shade under the elevated 1 train. They’ve deployed several tables and potted plants on the sidewalk out front.


Back up on Broadway, Twin Donut was already ready for outdoor-only dining with their year round outdoor patio set up since long before the shutdown.


Finally, at the bottom of the hill, Indian Road Cafe was in the process of converting some vacant sidewalk space into a fab dining spot. As of today there were just a few tiny tables for two but more might be on the way as Phase 2 continues.


We’re glad to see these beloved local spots reopening but with half the country registering new highs in COVID-19 cases, admissions, and deaths, excuse us for being a little nervous about losing the hard won progress we’ve made here. Not that getting a haircut of having lunch outdoors is terribly risky, but the records being set down South and out West are evidence that the novel coronavirus isn’t going to just go away like magic. So, with that in mind, we offer this bit of advice from ‘the other side.’




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