Phase One Restart

June 7, 2020

Mayor de Blasio

I can’t believe it’s been almost a hundred days of the coronavirus, but it has been, and what a horrible, challenging, painful time. And yet at the same time, a moment of extraordinary, powerful action by the people of the city, including extraordinary unity and common cause to beat back this disease. And some of it has been in ways that you see people standing together, applauding our health care workers, supporting our first responders, doing so many things to help each other, the folks – and those amazing people to do the food banks, the soup kitchens. So, many people have come forward, but I keep celebrating the work of everyday New Yorkers. Every time you put on a face covering, every time you socially distance, every time you stay at home even though you wish you didn’t have to, you’re helping move us forward. And today’s indicators and thresholds show once again, the fruits of your labors, and this is particularly important as we get ready for tomorrow, Monday, June 8th, the first day of phase one of the restart. 

So, indicator number one, daily number of people admitted to hospitals for suspected COVID-19, that threshold again is 200 patients. Today’s report – 72. So, well within the threshold. Number two, daily number of people in our Health + Hospitals ICUs, we need to stay under 375 patients. Today’s report – 324. Also, well under the threshold. And percentage of people tested citywide, positive for COVID-19, that threshold is 15 percent. Today’s report – four percent. Very, very good number. So, that is what you have achieved together. That’s another way we’re going to move forward in this city, beating back this disease, restarting, getting people back to their livelihood, and then doing the work of recovery together.


The New York City Department of Transportation today announced that Alternate Side Parking regulations will be suspended citywide through 6/21. Payment at parking meters will remain in effect throughout the city.

Today, Mayor de Blasio announced the citywide curfew in New York City has been lifted. All traffic restrictions in Manhattan, and restrictions on Citi Bike and for hire vehicles are lifted. 

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