Don’t Leave Anything Off the Table

April 16, 2020

MA Governor Charlie Baker

“When you talk about where the numbers are going with all of this, what I’m really thinking about is all the people who aren’t going to have a chance to say goodbye. And I really hope that people have a chance to make sure that they don’t leave anything off the table with respect to their loved ones.

“My wife gives me a hard time all the time about the fact that Baker men never really say what they think about anything to anybody about personal things and even on these goofy phone calls that I have with my dad, I try to say more because you just don’t know anymore what the future is going to hold. And I really hope that people understand that their health care community and the folks who are going to be responsible for helping us work our way through this surge are going to do everything they possibly can to save as many people as we possibly can so that they don’t have to deal with this situation and their family and friends don’t have to deal with it.”

Skip ahead to 43 minute mark.

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