
April 13, 2020

It was too nasty to go outside today but we missed going around the neighborhood and seeing lots of people like we used to do. Governor Cuomo teased us with a little glimmer of hope that the worst of COVID-19 may be behind us before adding, “if we continue to be smart going forward.” And the worst is plenty bad enough: more than 10, 000 lives lost to the virus here so far.

So we tried to be smart going forward by going around the neighborhood virtually, with the help of Google Maps and Street View. We became that little yellow figure that you drop anywhere on the map and see the block the way the Google Cam Car saw it B.C. Most of these views are from a day last summer but the one of Carrot Top was from 2013 which is about how long ago it feels like they closed.

5023 Broadway - Google Maps - Mozilla Firefox 4132020 220953

For the most part, it was sunny up here that day with people waiting to cross streets, standing around the side entrance of Good Shepherd, waiting for alt side to end, and so on. It reminded us of how unnatural NYC feels without a bunch of people (standing much closer than 6′ apart) wherever you look. We miss that place!

Here’s a few more slices of life as it was on that summer day just a few months ago up here. If you need a visual hit of sunshine and lots of people without masks, check out Street View while you’re “Safe At Home.”






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