Draft Dodger

April 11, 2020

If nominated, he won’t run. If elected, he won’t serve. Period!

Governor Cuomo batted down speculation today that he might replace Biden as the Democrat’s presidential candidate or even consider the number two spot on a Biden ticket.

“I have no political agenda, period. I am not running for President, I am not running for Vice President, I am not running anywhere. I’m not going to Washington. I’m staying right here. I said to the people of the state unequivocally when I was running for Governor, I will serve as your Governor.”

He also batted down Mayor de Blasio‘s announcement that NYC public schools will remain closed for the rest of the term, deeming it uncoordinated.

“There has been no decision. That’s the mayor’s decision. I value it, but the decision will be coordinated and it will be coordinated between the county executives in the other surrounding counties.”

Cuomo also updated New York State’s mounting COVID-19 death toll: 8,627 dead; 5th day in a row with 700+ deaths; 783 yesterday. Quoting Winston Churchill, Cuomo observed,  “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”


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