Great Performances

April 8, 2020


Enjoy our spring programming featuring some of our Broadway’s Best lineup, Now Hear This, and two centennial celebrations. In these unprecedented times, we hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy. All of us at Great Performances are dedicated to carrying on our legacy of bringing the best of the performing arts to you.

Noël Coward’s Present Laughter

Available through May 27

Much Ado About Nothing

Available through May 27


Available through May 27

The Sound of Music

Available through May 27

Harold Prince: The Director’s Life

Available through May 27

Now Hear This: Vivaldi: Something Completely Different

Available through April 13

Now Hear This: The Riddle of Bach

Available through April 13

The Bernstein Centennial Celebration at Tanglewood

Available through April 13

The Cleveland Orchestra Centennial Celebration

Available through April 13




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