Worth It?

March 15, 2020

Will the subways be running on Monday morning or not? Let’s see: the Governor and Mayor have banned large public gatherings, but so far nobody’s said the subway will shut down. But a rush hour train can carry a couple thousand riders in very close proximity – the exact opposite of the social distancing public health experts insist is essential to slowing the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. And the schools? Also open Monday, so far. Sheesh.

“The spread of this coronavirus is not going to stop on its own, and we know that mass gatherings have been hotspots for the virus to infect large numbers of people quickly,” Governor Cuomo said. “To help contain it, we are instituting limits on large events as well as new measures to protect our most vulnerable populations — including people in nursing homes — and preparing our healthcare system to be able to deal with any future capacity issues. While the context is key and the anxiety is outpacing the facts of this situation, we will continue taking aggressive action to protect public health and prepare for any future spread of this virus.”  

“Our number one priority is protecting the public health and every action the Governor and the State of New York have taken thus far have been in furtherance of that goal,” State Health Department Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker said. “Public health experts have been clear that limiting large public gatherings where there is potential for close contact is a critical way to slow the spread of this virus. This regulation will help keep people healthy and safe.”

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