No Fare

February 1, 2020

The last day of January 2020, a Friday, was #J31 – the evening activists chose to disrupt commuter traffic in Grand Central. According to a handbill obtained at the action:

“On Friday, New Yorkers from across the five boroughs will take part in ‘FTP III‘ a direct action organized by an abolitionist collective of NYC groups…FTP III is a response to the NYPD‘s systematic crackdown, including heinous incidents of violence against Black youth, in the city’s subway system.”

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Screenshot_2020-02-01 (3) DecolonizeThisPlace on Twitter The streets are ours The trains our ours The walls are ours This m[...].png

Screenshot_2020-02-01 Chief Terence Monahan on Twitter This morning, a group of individuals vandalized subway stations We b[...](2)

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