Autumn In New York

September 24, 2019

A loud crashing sound was heard throughout the neighborhood last night around 2240. Moments later reports of a downed tree in the park began to appear on the Citizen app. No injuries were reported.


Daylight revealed that a large tree had indeed toppled onto the handball court near the western end of W 207 Street. The Gazette questioned several Parks Department staffers but none had any official information regarding the incident.


From the looks of it, the tree seemed relatively healthy and may have simply grown too large for its shallow roots to anchor. Its many branches were heavily covered with green leaves.

The weather last night was warm, mostly dry and not at all windy. It was the first day of Fall. By 1600 on Tuesday a crew was noisily removing the fallen tree using a chainsaw and a wood chipper. The handball court may have to remain closed for the time being if repairs are required.

Editor’s Note: At approx 1830 today (Tuesday 09242019) a Parks Dept tree crew informed the Gazette that the tree is a Red Oak and estimated its age as 200+ years and one of the “original” Manhattan trees. Possible cause of collapse: root rot.


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