Music of the Vietnamese Diaspora

April 6, 2019

By Alex Nguyễn

For the past six months, I have been working on a project that is deeply meaningful to me, an event for The Vietnam Heritage Center (VHC) called Giai Điệu Quê Hương: Music of the Vietnamese Diaspora. *This is not a political event, and represents different generations and backgrounds.

The event is part of Carnegie Hall’s Migrations: The Making of America, a citywide festival that traces the journeys of people from different origins and backgrounds who helped to shape and influence the evolution of American culture.  Below is an excerpt of the festival description:


“The history of America is indelibly linked to the movement of people. Some were brought here not of their own free will, and their perseverance and resilience transformed the nation. Others came here—or moved within the borders of this country—because they sought a new life, free from poverty, discrimination, and persecution. The many contributions—cultural, social, and political—of these migrations, and the people who helped to build this country and what it means to be American, are honored in Carnegie Hall’s festival Migrations: The Making of America.”

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