Who’s Next?

December 12, 2018

President Trump’s erstwhile fixer, NYC attorney Michael Cohen, couldn’t fix it this time. He was sentenced today in Chinatown to 3 years on tax charges, lying to Congress, and campaign finance violations. He spoke not a word to the horde of reporters, neither when entering nor exiting the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Courthouse on Worth Street.

Instead, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti held an impromptu news conference at the open air mike stand set up for Cohen and his team. Denouncing Cohen as a serial liar who only came clean once his back was against the wall, Avenatti said the convicted man was neither a hero nor a patriot. “He deserves every day of the 36 month sentence that he will serve.” Noting that the verdict came a year to the day from when he and Stormy Daniels sued him, Avenatti added, “Michael Cohen was sentenced today. Donald Trump is next.”


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