Medieval Festival

September 30, 2018

Inwood’s annual Fall classic, the Medieval Festival at the Cloisters, was held today. An announcement from a podium near the jousting field stated attendance was 35,000. Whatever the exact headcount, there was a big turnout. Sporting looks seemingly inspired by Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings (with hints of Braveheart and Pirates of the Caribbean), elaborately costumed urban kings, queens, knights and damsels strolled around the park. They watched sword fights, checked out hooded raptors, drank mead, ate gigantic turkey legs, purchased handmade trinkets, swords and leather goods, and listened to music played on harps and lutes. Several local electeds were on hand as well, including Gale Brewer, Adriano Espaillat, Scott Stringer, and Rubén Díaz Jr. In the background loomed the iconic Met annex that normally brings most visitors up here. This was the 34th year the Festival’s been held up here and it’s still going strong.


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