Editorial: Happy Birthday USA!

July 3, 2018

Hardly a day goes by without some “breaking” news item sending millions of Americans into a tizzy. Here at the Gazette we hardly ever break any news and we try not to send anyone into a tizzy. Instead, we just report what we observe and let the chips fall where they may. This Fourth of July we decided to try something a little different. We contacted several people and asked them to write something to inform the Gazette’s readers about the proposed Article V Convention to amend the Constitution.

The initial response was encouraging and we planned to run two guest editorials on the subject – one for it and one against. As it turned out, we received two essays but both were against. That’s why readers will only see that side of the debate here tomorrow. We encourage everyone to take the time to read them and to then do their own research on this important topic. We think that would be a great way to say Happy Birthday to the country that we all love.


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