Yes, We May!

May 2, 2018

To say that May Day ain’t what it used to be is to state the obvious. Not only has the holiday nominally honoring workers long since been moved to September, but the labor movement itself has changed almost beyond recognition. Gone are the glory days of mighty steelworkers’ and miners’ strikes that showed the world Labor’s power. But recently teachers in West Virginia and Arizona, pushed to their limits by austerity budgets, have gone on strike so perhaps it’s not over yet after all.

Yesterday’s May Day observance in NYC kicked off with a rally in Union Square. This year the gathering was on the north side of the park, reducing its visibility from the heavily trafficked 14th Street crosstown route. Following the rally, participants marched downtown to Foley Square chanting all the while. In addition to showing support for striking teachers, participants called attention to the Gaza protests, Filipino death squads, and ICE sweeps/deportations. There was one brief and very minor scuffle between a marcher and a (reportedly) plainclothes officer on Lafayette near Family Court, but the march was orderly and no arrests were observed. The marchers were kept to sidewalks the entire route by a small army of NYPD on bikes, scooters and on foot. The Gazette estimates that, at its peak, about 500 people took part in the march downtown.

May Day Chant Sheet

When workers are under attack, what do we do? Stand up, fight back!

From Palestine to Philippines/stop the US war machine!

What’s disgusting? Union busting!/What’s outrageous? Stolen wages!

Immigrants are not to blame/No U.S terror in our name!

¡La migra, la policia/la misma porqueria!

Money for jobs and education, not for war and occupation!




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