Enough Is Enough

March 14, 2018

Students in NYC and across the country today honored the memory of the seventeen people murdered on Valentine’s Day at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL by walking out of classes. Here in NYC many also carried signs expressing support for gun law reform and disdain for the NRA and its affiliated elected officials.


Teachers were reportedly very supportive of the action, at least here in NYC. Wendy K. reported that students in Pike County, PA were threatened with suspension and a prom ban if they walked out. A student in AL tweeted that teachers and staff at her school went further, engaging directly in arguments with students in addition to threatening suspensions, but the Gazette was unable to confirm this as she declined to name her school out of a stated concern for possible retaliation.


Noah R., a 15 year old 10th grade student at St. Ann’s reported 100% participation at his school. They led the Brooklyn walkout and joined 2,000 other students at Boro Hall. Noah was struck by the level of passion and asked “why does your AR15 matter more than the life of a 15 year old?”


Lisette M., who attends Urban Assembly HS, told the Gazette that there was an incident at her school when a “gun note” was found on a desk. It didn’t feel scary at the time, but then the shooting spree in Parkland, FL happened a week later. “We shouldn’t be afraid to go to school,” she said. Her classmate Thomas L. told the Gazette, “I think it’s good people are coming out and standing up for what they believe in and for their rights, fighting for their future.”

At Quaker House on E15th Street, students created signs for a press conference at City Hall tomorrow.


Ryan Deitsch and Delaney Tarr, Seniors at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Facetimed from Parkland, FL to express their support and take questions from the NYC students. Clare McCue lives in NY but graduated from Stoneman Douglas in 1993. She asked everyone to stand while she read out the names of those murdered at her Alma Mater.



Updated March 15, 2018: A City Hall Press Conference announcing the March for Our Lives will take place on Saturday, March 24, 2018 at 10AM beginning at W72 St & CPW.

Marie Delus is one of the 4.5 million members of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a nationwide organization that has “pushed back against the gun lobby and fought for common-sense laws and policies to make our country safer.” On the steps of City Hall on Thursday she said that Moms Demand Action was founded five years ago after the Sandy Hook shooting. Her own family has been impacted by gun violence. “The young people are picking up the gauntlet of the gun violence movement and moving it forward. I believe change will come,” Marie told the Gazette.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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